
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Red Velvet Cake

This recipe is shared to me by my cousin Shiney Jacob, who is an awesome cook and baker. I drool over her cakes ... I have been attending her cooking classes and thanks to her I started enjoying the art of baking and to cook as well. I am so fortunate that I have a husband who is always there to be my official “taster”. Thanks Neil and Shiney!

This recipe is actually for muffins but I ended up baking a small cake instead. If you like you can top your cake with chocolate icing instead of cream cheese frosting. (sorry chocolate lovers!)


Butter – 100gm
Sugar - 100gm
Eggs – 2
Cocoa Powder – 1 tsp
Baking Powder – 1 tsp
Vanilla Essence – 1 tsp
Red food colour – 2 tsp
Plain flour – 70gm
Custard Powder – 30gm
Warm water – 2 ½ tblsp

Cream Cheese Frosting:

Cream Cheese - 100gm
Heavy Whipping Cream - 1cup
Sugar - 1/2cup
Vanilla Essence – ½ tsp

Serves 4 to 6 / 10 to 12 muffins


Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy and add one egg at a time. Sieve all dry ingredients and fold it to the egg mixture. Add essence and colour and mix well. Then add warm water and mix it well using metal spoon. Grease your baking tin and pour the cake batter and bake in preheated oven at 160 C for 40-50min or till skewer comes out clean.

Beat whipping cream till its stiff. Add cream cheese and sugar and beat it till it’s smooth and spread it on the cake. If you don’t want the icing to be too sweet reduce the quantity of sugar.

(Tip: all ingredients must be in room temperature except for heavy whipping cream)

Images clicked by me


  1. Looking Good. Never had cream cheese frosting...might try it now...Or i might just drop by your place...

  2. wow looks sooooo tempting..I have always wanted to try out this cake , but thought it was too complicated..will def try this one out..

  3. Thank you! Reena you must let me know how it turns out. Its very simple. The cheese cream frosting can be made a day in advance.

  4. This is simply my favourite type of cake! The only place that sells it in muscat is the cake gallery

  5. George, now you can bake one for yourself!

  6. Haven't really baked a cake,except for those average instant mixes.this recpie looks fairly am gonna surprise the family by baking my first "Real" cake!Thanks :))

  7. Shalini i am sure you and your family will like it :)

  8. Hi Rachel,
    Came here through GF's FB page. Nice blog you have here. Your cake looks great. M sure it must've tasted awesome with the cream cheese frosting.
    Have a nice day!

  9. Hi Anuja! Thanks!! and welcome to my blog and enjoy reading... was going through your blog and all your recipes look yummy...will be trying one of yours soon!

  10. Is your cousin Shiney Jacob from Muscat?

  11. Hi Sheela... yes she is from Muscat

  12. looks yumm!will try it out:)...i too have a nice recepie 4 red velvet...but your color has come out really good!:)..which brand color is it?


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