
Monday, April 2, 2012

A Simple Salad to start with....

This is a simple salad where you can have several variations. Since i am observing Lent now I thought I will stick to the basic version today. If you wish you can add to the salad shredded chicken, bacon or red kidney beans or use rocket leaves instead of lettuce... Let your imagination take over...

Lettuce - 1/2 bunch
Cherry Tomatoes - 10 (cut in half)
Pear - 1 (cut into cubes)
Feta Cheese - 100gm (small cubes)

For Dressing:
Crushed Chili - 1/2 tsp
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
Mustard Paste - 1/2 tsp
Water - 2 tbsp
Ketchup - 1 tbsp
Vinegar - 1/2 tsp
Honey - 1/2 tsp
Sesame seeds (toasted) - 2 tsp

Serves 4 to 6

Tear the lettuce in large pieces and put it in a bowl and add cherry tomatoes and pear. For the dressing whisk mayonnaise with crushed chili, mustard, ketchup, vinegar, honey and a little water and keep aside. In a flat plate spread the lettuce, cherry tomatoes and pear and sprinkle feta cheese cubes all over. Drizzle the dressing and sprinkle the toasted sesame seeds on top and serve.

Image : Taken by me


  1. Hi Sheeba
    Anoopa luvs cooking & interior designing. shes gonna be super excited reading your blogs.
    Keep them coming I say...
    Luv the salad recipe( actually I like anything with cheese in it :)).
    Im going to RSS your blog.

  2. the photos are amazing . Salad looks tempting since we are on lent as well will def try over the weekend.

  3. I will definetly try this out this weekend and let u know how it turned out.

  4. Hi Sheeba,
    I like this Salad idea. I have not tried this yet. Personally, I think I like the idea to swap lettuce with rocket leaves. I am considering swapping the pears for maybe radish or raw sweet potatoes.
    The dressing is an interesting combination and i am expecting it to be yummy. Just wondering if the mustard paste will be too strong?

    Keep em coming!!! :P

  5. Bassin, Resh, Susan and George, Thanks a lot of your lovely comments and support. Waiting to hear how your salad turns out.

    George,try using very little mustard and if you like you can add more. Its all about your taste and preference. Enjoy!

  6. Sheeba,
    I tried this, for mustard paste I used dijam mustard sauce and instead of lettuce a mix of rocket, spinach and watercress. It was good. I liked your dressing... Thanks and keep posting new ones.


  7. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for trying out the salad and i am glad you liked the dressing. More posts coming up!


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