
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Dried Lemon

A husband and wife team, Amal Al Khabori and Salim Al Kalbani, whose passion for Omani food and love for cooking, started a catering company called The Dried Lemon. So when I asked why the name The Dried Lemon? This is what they had to say “We wanted to incorporate something that the Sultanate of Oman is known for in the world of food. So we took a simple dried lemon, also known in the culinary world as the black lemon (Loomi Omani) & infused it with our signature dishes, where local flavors are infused into international cuisine...”

The Dried Lemon became a reality after several experiments and encouragement from family and friends. Their spectacular menu represents Omani cuisine with a twist of dried lemon in many of their signature dishes and world cuisine as well. Their food is well received from the public here in Oman and their success is featured in the local press.

Future Projects: They have a cookbook in progress now and they have a dream to start a restaurant soon. Wishing you both a lot more success!

Enjoy the infusion of Loomi in their dishes.

If you would like to place orders or enquire, please get in touch with them at and click here to view their facebook page and be updated with their menu.

Images via The Dried Lemon

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