
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Artist of the Month: Manisha Vedpathak

Manisha Vedpathak, Indian by origin, currently living in Ghana, West Africa, is a self taught artist whose paintings have evolved from realism to abstract. Most of her works show influence of Africa art and her medium of work is acrylic and oil. Even though she grew with an engineering background, she grew up with a creative mind but only got time to pursue her art after she got married and settled in Ghana. Most of her work is exhibited in Ghana, New York and Chelsea. She is an active member of FCA Foundation of Contemporary Art of Ghana, volunteers to share her art knowledge in an NGO run African school and writes a blog narrating her experiments in art.

I love the bold and vivid colours form and depth she works with.

Click here to visit her blog and stay tuned with her work.

Images via Manisha Vedpathak


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