
Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Shimmy Radhakrishnan, based here in Oman, was introduced to jewelry making by her friend and eventually starting making beautiful pieces using different mediums and materials led to her dream venture called JewelBox. When I met her in person, I realized how artistic she is with her designs emphasizing colour and texture, handcrafted and specializing in ethnic designs.

Here is what Shimmy had to say regarding her passion

When did you get started with JewelBox?
JewelBox was born on July 15 2012

What inspired you to start this? Did you take any formal training to start this venture?
After years of corporate work I decided to take a break and enjoyed taking care of the family but I had some extra time in hand which I wanted to utilize. I wanted to do something which will make me happy. It was around the same time a friend of mine had started doing jewelry. I really loved the idea and joined for a 3 hour course on jewelry making as I always had a passion for fashion accessories:) It was so addictive that I could never stop doing it and that led to the birth of JewelBox!!

Do you provide any jewelry making classes?
As of now, I am not providing any classes.

Are most of your jewelry pieces unique?
Majority of the pieces in JewelBox are unique but there are a few which are replicated based on request and I take customized orders as well.

Do you have a physical or virtual store? How do you market or sell your creations?
I have a virtual store and it’s through my Face book page :) I do most of the marketing through that and also planning to have one on Etsy soon. And I participate in exhibitions and events where I showcase my jewelry.



Click here to visit her Facebook page and view all her designs and if you wish to get in touch please write to

Images via JewelBox

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