
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Artist of the Month: Alicia Souza

Doodling is a fun way for expressing yourself and everyone can do it and is definitely a form of art. Thankfully it acts as a remedy from all the mundane day to day routine. Alicia Souza, a banker turned passionate illustrator, based in Bangalore, creates vibrant doodles that is bold, fun, funny, quirky and colorful. She has her own online store that sells prints, greeting cards, fridge magnets, coffee mugs and other customizable items.

Have a look at her doodles and get ready to giggle!




Alicia from her workstation
I haven’t met Alicia yet but I can vouch that her personality is as vibrant as her doodles, who cannot talk without giggling, full of life and leaving you energized and inspired to draw!!

Click here to browse through her online store and here to access her Facebook page and for customization you can email her at

Images credit/copyright: Alicia Souza

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