
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

From my desk

My small desk space is in a corner of my room, just enough to get me blogging and enjoy what I do. I am on to a new project or rather a new hobby (which I will disclose soon) that keeps making me reorganizing my desk for enough space. I love changes……learning new things…. Changes in my home… changing my lifestyle for the better…. And you will soon see some changes in my blog as well.

Do you love bringing changes in to your life in order to bring more beauty, creativity and positivity? I am steering my life towards it and hope to pursue my creative dream.


Love fresh flowers… reminding me that life is beautiful and can be messy at times and I love it!!

Images are clicked by me



  1. I love Change. I hate stagnancy. Loved your desk and how beautifully you have decorated it. :)


Thanks for visiting and i hope you enjoyed my blog.