
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Design Rescue

Don’t we all love giving that extra touch for our guests through our invites for special occasions or business functions? And to have someone take over this task takes away most of your stress in planning. Design Rescue is one such destination that creates unique, stylish and artistic invites and set the mood and tone for your occasion.  Designer and owner of Design Rescue, Sarah John, based in Oman, creates one of a kind invites, giving perfection and attention to details and also revamps your brand image.

Here is what Sarah had to say about her passion.... over to you Sarah

How did it all begin?
My name is Sarah and I come from a family of artists (of sorts!) My mom is a fabulous artist but she found her true calling in architecture and interiors. My sister is an architect by profession, but she found her passion in fabric and I, ironically am a Textile Designer, but my heart lies in Graphic design. I am a Fine Arts graduate from Stella Maris College, Chennai with a post graduate degree in textiles from NIFT. I was working with textile brands in India, till I moved to Muscat with my doctor husband. While I was doing my Fine Arts, I realised most industries depend on graphics for their effective advertisement, brand building and growth. Graphic design is an aesthetic skill through which you visually communicate effectively to potential clients.
Here in Muscat, I realised that textile production is almost non-exsistent. To while away time, I started helping out a friend in Dubai online with a lil graphic work to assist her with her textile business and then my sister prompted me, badgered me and basically pushed me into opening an online graphic design store on Etsy. That’s how Design Rescue was born.
Do you have a designing background? Where do you get your inspirations for your design? And what’s your favourite project or design that you have done so far?
My Fine Arts background has greatly helped me in my work. I like neat clear cut lines without clutter. The basic philosophy is combining aesthetics with clear definitions for each element in my design. Every line and dot has a purpose and is not randomly placed without thought. My favourite projects till date have been weddings. I love designing wedding invites and the whole lot of stationary that goes with it... starting with the ”save the dates” to table menus and seating arrangements,. A lot of thought goes into it and it’s further personalized by the customized input from the couple. I once had a journalist couple from DC, who wanted an invite and accessories, resembling a newspaper announcement!
Are your clients based within Oman? Do you have an online shop and accept customization?
Most of my clients are from US, UK, Australia, Dubai and India. They see my work on etsy or on my FB page or Pinterest and if they want something specific, they contact me or if they don’t require any customization, they just go ahead and buy the listings, straight from my shop!
What’s the future you wish for Design Rescue?
In a few years time, I hope to see Design Rescue, evolve at a slow comfortable pace and I carve a niche for myself in a little studio of my own with my always helpful husband and awesome kids! J
Have a look at some of my favourite designs
a quirky business card

Birth Announcement

Wine tasting invite

Save the date card in vintage design

Wedding Invite

Thank You cards

Click here to browse through her shop and here for her Face book page. And email Sarah at if you have any enquiries or customization. So let your imagination run wild as Sarah will create those beautiful invites for you that is exactly as you envision.

Images via Design Rescue


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