
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Back into the Groove

I blinked and my one month break just whizzed passed by… My holiday was fun, jam packed with small travels, ate a lot of traditional food and spent a lot of time with family and friends… Each of my travel gives me a new focus and appreciate little things a bit more...

Getting back into the routine was so difficult. I am generally in a rush to unpack once I get back from my holiday… put everything back in its place and get everything in order… buy grocery and get the kitchen back in shape… decide on my next painting piece and plan my timelines for my next blog post and photoshoot as the urge to return to my blog space was strong… and here I am with you shouting out “I am back”. Many of you have sent me emails and anxiously waiting for my replies… and you will get them soon (and thanks so much for reaching out to me!)...

I know I have neglected this blog lately… and I feel bad about it … But if you were following me on Instagram (click here ) you will know I didn’t disappear completely and gave you glimpses on what’s going on. I have so much to journal and doodle… Meanwhile I have tons of inspiration to share with you all so stay tuned!

Images Copyrighted Tickled by Inspirations

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting and i hope you enjoyed my blog.