
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Artist of the month: Kathryn Wilson

Art is such a beautiful and universal language that is understood by all. It is a perfect medium to stimulate creativity and promote culture and what better way to send out a message to the world through colours! Kathryn Wilson, a dubai based artist creates harmony using different hues of blues and white in her paintings. I was drawn towards her painting displayed at Sununu Muscat, while I was attending a workshop there. Her work is expressive, vibrant and there is tranquility reflecting in all her art pieces. Most of her art work displays a perfect balance of swirling motion, colour and light. And her love for the sea is reflected in most of her paintings.

Let’s browse through her work and hear more from Kathyrn about her journey with art.

A brief about yourself

Originally from the Lake District UK, I spent my childhood growing up in Dubai. In 1998 I returned to the Lake District to continue my studies before completing a degree in Fine Art at Oxford University. In 2005 I moved to South East Asia to travel and work for a couple of years. I began painting with oils during this time, returning to work and live in Dubai in 2008. In 2016 I had a solo exhibition with FN Designs Gallery in Alserkal Avenue, Dubai. My husband and I are now renovating our house in Kendal and have just had a baby girl.

How did your journey as an artist begin? Did you have any formal training or is it self taught?

Looking back I think I was first inspired by sketches & letters that my grandmother would post me. She always had a cellar full of paints, brushes and paper for my sisters and I to use when we would visit her each summer. My father loves photography and I would spend hours looking through his photo albums and slides. We used to joke about all the rocks and trees he would photograph, then I found myself doing the same! When I finished school I studied an Art Foundation and went on to complete a degree in Fine Art.

Clean lines and translucent layers of colour in a circular format have become my signature style, with a love for cyan, indigo, turquoise and pure white. I am interested in Art for positive change and continue to look for ways of advocating this.

How would you describe your art style? What's your inspiration for your art work?

My work focuses on the force and beauty of water, exploring the use of light in each abstract painting. The ultimate traveller, water plays a vital role in everyday life. It wanders the globe and without it we would not survive. Trips along the coast inspire me, as does exploring wadis that are so beautifully sculpted by water. Photography is a useful starting point but I believe imagination and interpretation are key. I like not knowing where I am going with the work, each painting presents fresh challenges and a new way of considering the subject.

What is the most challenging aspect about your work?

The greatest challenge is usually making a start to a painting. Once the ball is rolling things tend to flow quite smoothly from there.

What is your creative process like? and what keeps you motivated?

I keep an ongoing moleskin journal of notes and drawings. Visiting galleries, sketching, reading and taking photographs keeps me motivated. I stretch and prime my own canvases in a home studio, collecting new colours, materials and brushes to work with.

Do you commission different projects? And how can people purchase your paintings?

I usually sell my work via galleries, a selection of paintings & prints are currently available to buy in Dubai & Muscat. I do take on commissions if there is a synergy between what the client is looking for & the style / ethos of what I do. Examples of previous clients & collaborations are on 

What is your favorite art piece that you have done till date?

‘Flow’ is a large circular oil painting (115cm wide) that I created for my solo exhibition ‘Saturate’ in 2016. It is probably my favourite because of it’s smooth layers & soothing colour palette. This piece signified a turning point for the collection and I hope to develop more work of this scale in the future.

Any tips or words of wisdom to aspiring artists who want to pursue a similar career?

Words of advice I would give to young aspiring artists would be to consider the authenticity of their work and their personal journey as an artist. Seek to learn ALL of the time and try not to be put off by disappointments along the way.

Thank you Kathryn Wilson for sharing your inspirational art journey with me and my readers!

Click here to browse through her website and follow her work.

All Images are copyrighted Kathryn Wilson

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