
Monday, May 7, 2018

Artist of the month - Natasha Farrar

There are endless possibilities for all the creative minds out there in the world of art. Have you ever thought what a life of an illustrator would be like? You wake up every morning and just draw…too good to be true right? But that is exactly the life of an illustrator. And I believe the work of an illustrator always wins people’s hearts. One such illustrator who won my heart is Natasha all the way from Sydney. There is this soft, simple innocence that oozes out from her illustrations. Her drawings are whimsical, cute and cuddly. Have a look at her illustrations and let’s hear more from Natasha herself!

A brief about yourself. 
Natasha Farrar

I have lived in Sydney all my life, and spent most of my childhood drawing, playing the piano and making up stories with my toys. I studied Fine Arts for a couple of years but transferred to B.Music/B.Education (hons) with the intention of becoming a music teacher. I loved music and teaching! But got wildly distracted by some great opportunities whilst working in a chocolate shop, and focused on that for a few years before finally changing my focus back to picture book illustration! I illustrated a couple of books in 2016 for Little Steps Publishing. Now, I have a beautiful little girl who is about to turn one, so now I draw whenever she's sleeping. Basically, my life revolves around drawing, music, chocolate and babies. What more could one want!

How did your journey as an artist begin? Did you have any formal training or is it self-taught?

As mentioned, I studied Fine Arts for a couple of years, and have done a few short painting courses over the years. I studied picture book illustration through USyd's Centre for Continuing Education, but most of my style and technique has come through experimenting at home (and during school classes...)

How would you describe your illustration style?

Whimsical, girly, cute, and lots of scribbly lines!

What's your inspiration for your work?

Children and family… I love the imaginations kids have and how they can spend ages playing with something that adults would consider obsolete (like cardboard boxes)!

What is the most challenging aspect about your work?

Trying to capture individual faces and their spark in my simplified drawing style.

What is your creative process like? and what keeps you motivated?

Haphazard! I'm constantly starting multiple projects at once and am constantly having to check back that I'm not forgetting anything! I'm doing lots of custom illustrations for individuals at the moment. I get really motivated by their story and the reason for getting a painting done for their loved ones. They're all so sweet and I am constantly feeling privileged to be part of something that's really special for them

Do you commission different projects? And how can people purchase your work?

 I love commissions! You can check out the Commissions page on my website or email me for more info. I also have a Red Bubble store.

What is your favorite art piece that you have done till date?

I painted this hot air balloon one when I had just gone part time at work to focus more on illustration, and was changing my drawing style. So it marks a very particular point when things started to come together! 

Any tips or words of wisdom to aspiring illustrators who wants to pursue a similar career.

Enjoy the process! Join a community like Heidi's Character Design Weekly Challenge on Facebook- it gives you great motivation to keep drawing and also find some like-minded people in the world!

Thank you Natasha for sharing your art inspirations with me and my readers! 
If you wish to follow her work please click here 

Above images via Natasha Farrar

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