
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Recycle Ideas and Inspiration

I know many who are spreading awareness in recycling and doing their bit to save earth… and they have all inspired me to do my bit for our planet.  And I hope to pass the same values to my daughter… Kids these days are taught in school about sustainability and recycling which is brilliant as they shape our future leaders with responsibility towards our planet. Modern ideas help us to reuse and recycle old newspapers, wood, plastic and fabric.

I started collecting plastic containers and glass bottles to use as planters, storage and for décor…  So todays post is all about glass bottles and glass containers and how I recycle it…
 I generally use recycled glass containers for storage. They are great to store pulses, spices, herbs, homemade pickle and chutney or fruit pulp. I also use them for packed lunches like layered salad. 
And I use glass bottles as vase for home décor (especially coloured ones) or to store water, fresh juice or homemade wine. And as outdoor décor you can upcycle your glass bottles as candle holder for your garden or patio. 

I would love to hear from you if you have more creative ideas and tips. I hope my tips has made you think twice before you throw away any glass jar and bottle away and help you simplify your recycling habits and inspire you to reduce your carbon footprint. I hope to bring more posts on recycling and if you have more ideas please email and I would love to share your ideas. Until next time Keep Calm and Recycle!!

Above pictures are copyrighted Tickled by Inspirations

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