
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Artist of the month - Dr.Zakiya Al Busaidi

Today I am honoured to feature a passionate Omani artist who is a doctor by profession and therapist. And her goal is to heal the world through art and medicine and make this world a better place to live in. Dr. Zakiya Al Busaidi strongly believes that other than medicine, art can heal people. She has also acquired her PhD on the relation between mind and body. And she has been a great advocate for mental health awareness in Oman. She started her journey as an artist 6 years back. I was fortunate to see her work in an exhibition here in Oman. The emotional energy of her work is portrayed beautifully in each piece. There is joy and movement in most of her work through the colours and textures she has used.

Let’s have a look at her beautiful work and hear more from her regarding her art journey

Tell us a bit about yourself. How did your journey as an artist begin? Did you have any formal training?

My name is Zakiya Al Busaidi, I am artist and a doctor. The two seem to be inseparable since both are expressions of my soul. I started my journey with art 6 years ago, unplanned but fell in love with art and started attending short courses with Omani artists for 2 years.

How would you describe your art style?
Since I am a big fan of the French Impressionsm art movement, (especially Claude Monet), that was the first style I started with but later I experimented with pop art, calligraphy and currently working on pour and fluid art. 

What's your inspiration for your art work?

My art is inspired by nature where I feel more connected and spirituality.  

Do you commission different projects? And how can people purchase your paintings?

My art is available for sale on my instagram account (@zalbusaidi_art) and whenever I participate in exhibitions in Muscat. 

Any tips or words of wisdom to aspiring artists who want to pursue a similar career.

I believe in the role of art in healing and I promote for mindful art. Therefore, I encourage people to do art for self- expression and as a way of meditation. Art teaches us how to be present, appreciate the beauty that we have around us and be less judgmental of ourselves and others. 

Thank you Zakiya for sharing your beautiful work with me and my readers…. and for giving us an insight for your inspiring art journey. We wish you many more successes and looking forward to more creative pieces from you!

If you wish to get updates of her beautiful work, please follow her on instagram @zalbusaidi_art.

All the above pictures are via Zakiya Al Busaidi

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